Audit Committee

Committees and boards

The Audit Committee organises audits and assessments of the City’s administration and finances.

Unlike Helsinki’s other governing bodies, the Audit Committee does not operate under the City Board. In order to ensure the independence of the auditing and assessment activities, the Audit Committee is responsible for its operations and reports on them directly to the City Council. The City Council appoints the members of the Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee has nine members. Each member has a personal deputy member. The Chair and Vice Chair must be City Councillors.

On this page you will find

Recent documents

Minutes and agendas comprise of cases that are handled in a meeting.

A decision announcement is published shortly after a meeting.  The announcement contains only decisions made at the meeting, so it has to be read side-by-side with the agenda. The minutes will replace both the agenda and decision announcement when it's published.


The agenda is usually published at least four days prior to a meeting. A decision announcement is published on this page shortly after a meeting. The meetings are not open to the public.

Date Time Additional information
04.02.2025 16:15
25.02.2025 16:15
04.03.2025 16:15
18.03.2025 16:15
08.04.2025 16:15
15.04.2025 16:15
13.05.2025 16:15
03.06.2025 16:15

Members: Tarkastuslautakunta