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The Helsinki Council on Disability wants to promote the equality and participation of disabled and chronically ill residents. The council provides opinions on matters that affect the following aspects in the lives of persons with disabilities:
- Health and wellbeing
- Inclusion and ability to participate in decision-making
- Living environment and housing
- Mobility and services
The Council on Disability is a body intended for cooperation and advocacy with members from the following groups:
- Associations for persons with chronic illnesses and disabilities in Helsinki
- Representatives of City of Helsinki council groups
- Specialists from different divisions of the city
The Council on Disability influences political decision-makers and officials preparing matters in the city by:
- Issuing statements and proposals on the preparation of decisions affecting the lives of people with disabilities and chronic illnesses
- Monitoring the provision of services for persons with disabilities and chronic illnesses
The City Board appoints the Council on Disability for a term of two years. The appointment decision made on 30 August 2021 is available here.
Tasks of the Council on Disability
The purpose of the Council on Disability is to ensure that disabled and chronically ill residents will be able to participate in and influence decision-making by:
- Highlighting the perspective of persons with disabilities and their families through presentations, statements and opinions
- Ensuring that the city takes care of the adequacy and suitability of services to people with different kinds of disabilities and chronic illnesses
- Promoting communication on services and participation
- Promoting cooperation between the City of Helsinki and organisations working with persons with disabilities and chronic illnesses
Members of the Council on Disability for the 2021–2023 term
Member | Debuty member |
Helsingin kuuloyhdistys ry Taru Reinikainen, taru.reinikainen(a)helky.fi |
Anneli Salmevaara |
Helsingin ja Uudenmaan Näkövammaiset ry Veera Florica-Rajala, veera.f.rajala(a)gmail.com |
Juhani Kaasinen |
Helsingin Invalidien Yhdistys ry Markku Poikela, markku(a)poikela.fi |
Vikrotia Welling |
Helsingin ja Uudenmaan neuroyhdistys ry Ari Österberg, ari.osterberg(a)gmail.com |
Venla Räty |
Kehitysvammatuki 57 ry Sari Sepponen, II vice-chairman, sari.h.sepponen(a)gmail.com |
Niina Halonen-Malliarakis |
Pääkaupunkiseudun Hengitys ry Sirpa Halmela, sirpa.halmela(a)elisanet.fi |
Tuula Narvola |
Helsingin Reumayhdistys ry Mikko Remes |
Päivi Koivunen |
Helsingin Mielenterveysyhdistys HELMI ry Päivi Seila, seilapivi(a)gmail.com |
Eveliina Lafghani |
Vammaisten lasten ja nuorten Tukisäätiö sr Marco Guarino, marco.guarino(a)vamlas.fi |
Ilari Kousa |
Kynnys ry Susanna Haapala, susanna(a)assistentti.info |
Ulf Gustafsson |
Member | Debuty member |
Chairperson of the Council on Disability Sirpa Puhakka,
(Left Alliance) sirpa.puhakka(a)pp2.inet.fi , puh: 045 7731 3000 |
Orjo Pättiniemi |
Kristiina Karhos, I vice-chairman, The Greens, kristiina.karhos(a)gmail.com |
Vesa Virri |
Jari Mönkkönen, The National Coalition party, jari.monkkonen(a)gmail.com |
Jaana Argillander |
Katja Bärblom, Social Democratic Party, katja(a)aol.fi |
Mika Taberman |
Marko Joensuu, perussuomalaiset marko.joensuu65(a)gmail.com |
Riikka Virta |
Specialist | Substitute |
Kulttuuri- ja vapaa-ajan toimiala kehittämisasiantuntija Tiina Larva, tiina.larva(a)hel.fi, puh: 09 3108 5918 |
suunnittelija Sini Perho |
Kaupunkiympäristön toimiala esteettömyysasiamies Pirjo Tujula, pirjo.tujula(a)hel.fi, puh: 09 3103 8410 |
yleiskaavasuunnittelija Satu Tarula |
Sosiaali- ja terveystoimiala Tulevaisuuden Sote projektipäällikkö, Vammaistyö, Tuomo Ratinen, uomo.ratinen(a)hel.fi, puh: 09 3104 3155 |
vammaisten sosiaalityön päällikkö Jonna Weckström |
Kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen toimiala pedagoginen asiantuntija Hanne Savunen, hanne.savunen(a)hel.fi, 09 3102 2432 |
pedagoginen asiantuntija Pasi Brandt |
Kaupunginkanslia erityissuunnittelija Riikka Henriksson, riikka.henriksson(a)hel.fi, 09 3102 5543 |
erityissuunnittelija (HYTE) Stina Högnabba |
Meetings of the Council on Disability
The spring 2023 meetings of the Council on Disability will be held on 25 April, 23 May and 13 June.
Memoranda for meetings of the Council on Disability starting from 2021 are available below.
(The memoranda, only in Finnish, for each year and links to the memoranda.)
Statements and opinions of the Council on Disability
Statements and opinions of the Council on Disability starting from 2021 (only in Finnish).
Activities and annual reports of the Council on Disability
(only in Finnish)